What’s New in the Chadsey Condon Neighborhood?
The Chadsey Condon Tutoring Program utilizes a small-group tutoring method that addresses issues of learning loss and educational disparities in underfunded schools.
Many students struggle to succeed academically in these schools because of the realities of living in under-served communities.
There are fewer resources for students to receive individualized attention and instruction, larger class sizes, higher failure and dropout rates, and a needed safety net when kids fail or struggle in courses.
Sessions are scheduled twice per week to supplement in-school instruction.
CCCO’s tutoring model uses a 1:3 tutor-to-student ratio, and the tutors follow the same small group of students throughout the school year.
CCCO tutors are trained using best practices and are evaluated regularly against rigorous State of Michigan common core standards.
Students are provided their individual IXL license to practice math and ELA skills at home under parental supervision.
Committee Events
Youth Committee Meeting
Every 3rd Thursday at 5 PM, virtual on Zoom
Safety Committee Meeting
Every 4th Wednesday at 6 PM, virtual on Zoom
Our Mission
To build a powerful movement of committed and unified people that advocates and secures resources to transform the community by addressing needs.